Jr. Civic Company

Jr. Civic Company (Grades 4-8)

Admission by audition only. Previous Jr. Civic class experience (or comparable) required.

Auditions for the 24-25 Season have already concluded. Thank you for your interest!

Congratulations to our 2024-25 Junior Civic Company Members!

Noah Achterberg, Tyler Acquaviva, Sebastian Barger, Avery Benner, Carter Beth, Emil Borissov, Nate Boyce, Quincy Carman, Evan Cohen, Scarlett Cross, Rachel Everett, Harper Gibbs, Addie Giesting, Tula Heath, Ivy Hess, Reese Keene, Henry Kirk, Zoe Lazzaro, Lawson Leavell, Katherine LeFan, Kaitlin Malarsky, Tommy McConnell, Collin McCune, Abigail Mickelson, Ethan Mobley, Noelle Mobley, Jackson Noonan, Olive Rozzi, Ashlyn Singh, Riley Sutton, Louisa Zabel

For Civic's most advanced students, Jr. Civic Company offers student actors a chance to hone their skills and expand the scope of their repertoire in a safe, professional and supportive setting. The Jr. Civic company is dedicated to the development of good technique regardless of performance opportunity. 

Company members act as outstanding representatives for Jr. Civic and Civic Theatre in the community-at-large. Auditions in August are open to students grades 4-8 with previous class experience.


Members must have completed at least one from the following list:

  • Previous Jr. Civic Company member
  • Jr. Civic Mainstage Musical Cast
  • Jr. Civic Musical Theatre Camp
  • Any Intermediate or Advanced level class
  • At least two sessions of Musical Theatre Essentials or Fundamentals of Acting

What should I prepare for the audition?

  • Please prepare 16 bars of a Musical Theatre song. An accompanist will be provided.
  • A one-minute monologue, memorized.*
  • Please be prepared to dance - Movement auditions will be held after everyone has sung. Please plan to stay until that is completed. You will be given an opportunity to change shoes and clothing, if you'd prefer to do so.

Click on the following link to find sample monologues you can use in case you do not have one already prepared, as well as information on how to choose and prepare your audition song and Jr. Civic Company Policies.

*Any students without Jr. Civic experience must supply a detailed resume or listing of their experience with other specialized training and/or stage experience.

*Admission into the Company is at the discretion of the directors despite any previous experience.

Showcase: The Jr. Civic Company's season cumlimates in an exciting original Showcase on the Tarkington stage. This dynamic presentation is open to the public.

Company Travel: The Company will make a trip to New York City in June of every other year. Our next trip will be in the summer of 2026. Expense of this trip is in addition to any participation fees and parents and siblings are invited to join. 

Image for Jr. Civic Company

Class Dates

Fall Session:

  • Wednesdays, September 4 - December 11 4:30 - 6:30 PM

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Operating Partners

Logo for ArtWorksLogo for City of CarmelLogo for AW ClowesLogo for The Center For The Performing ArtsLogo for Carmel City CenterLogo for Indianapolis Arts Commission